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Thank you so much to everyone who supported me during this campaign–especially my wife, Aimee. She really kept us afloat during this difficult, stressful year–her love and generosity is my strength. Thank you to my kids—Miles, Renee, Ella, Charlie, & Louis–each of you lifted me throughout in your own unique ways.

Thank you to my incredible campaign team: Diego and Ze, my intrepid canvassers, and Anaiya, my fantastic social media intern. Special thanks to Ty, my campaign consultant, a steady voice of care and insight; and, most of all, to Jerica Acero, my campaign manager—up early every morning, still working after I went to sleep—one of the most determined, hard-working, and selfless people I know. I count each of you as a dear friend.

Thank you to the many family members, friends, comrades, and volunteers who donated so generously of your time and money. Your belief in me means the world to me; I am sorry things didn't go as we hoped they would. 

Thank you to the LA County Democrats and the Pomona Valley Democratic Club—I am proud that you saw your values reflected in my work. I am deeply grateful to the House of Labor—the LA Fed, the Building Trades, and the Teamsters; and to each of the locals who gave so generously. I truly believe that labor must lead into any possible bright future, and I will remain at your side wherever I go next. I must call out the mighty SEIU 2015 and the stalwart UFCW 1428—on the phones and in the streets you carried me—I am honored to call you sisters and brothers.

I offer sincere congratulations to Debra Martin for winning this election. After you take office, I’ll stand ready to help you succeed whenever our values and objectives are aligned; please don’t hesitate to call on me if you believe I can be of assistance. I wish you all the best.

I like to imagine that if you supported and voted for me, you believe, as I do, that our own fates, and those of our families, our city, and ultimately of our species, hang on our willingness to unite, swallow our fears, and commit to a society that measures its success by how effectively it provides every person a home, good work, a healthy neighborhood, and a right to fairness, stability, belonging, and dignity. In solidarity with you, I pledge to do my best to keep getting things done that move in that direction. If there will be a bridge to that society, we will have been the ones who built it.

Of all who gave and walked and called, and pushed me, and pulled for me in all your myriad ways—I ask humbly: May we shake off this defeat quickly and draw closer to each other as we prepare for the battles ahead. We’ve barely experienced an inkling of our capacity. Onward!

Yours truly,

John Nolte

Muchas gracias a todos los que me apoyaron durante esta campaña, especialmente a mi esposa, Aimee. Ella realmente nos mantuvo a flote durante este año difícil y estresante; su amor y generosidad son mi fortaleza. Gracias a mis hijos, Miles, Renee, Ella, Charlie y Louis; cada uno de ustedes me ayudó a lo largo de este proceso de una manera única.

Gracias a mi increíble equipo de campaña: Diego y Ze, mis intrépidos caminadores, y Anaiya, mi fantástica pasante de redes sociales. Un agradecimiento especial a Ty, mi consultor de campaña, una voz constante de preocupación y conocimiento; y, sobre todo, a Jerica Acero, mi directora de campaña, que se levantó temprano todas las mañanas y siguió trabajando después de que me fue a dormir; una de las personas más decididas, trabajadoras y desinteresadas que conozco. Considero a cada uno de ustedes como un querido amigo.

Gracias a los muchos familiares, amigos, camaradas y voluntarios que donaron tan generosamente su tiempo y dinero. Su fe en mí significa todo para mí; Lamento que las cosas no hayan ido como esperábamos.

Gracias a los Demócratas del Condado de Los Ángeles y al Club Demócrata del Valle de Pomona. Estoy orgulloso de que hayan visto sus valores reflejados en mi trabajo. Estoy profundamente agradecido a la "House of Labor", a la LA Fed, a los Sindicatos de la Construcción, y a los Teamsters, y a cada uno de los sindicatos locales que dieron tan generosamente. Creo sinceramente que los sindicatos deben conducir a cualquier futuro brillante posible y permaneceré a su lado dondequiera que vaya. Debo llamar atención especial al poderoso SEIU 2015 y al incondicional UFCW 1428; por teléfono y en las calles me llevaron en brazos. Es un honor llamarlos hermanos y hermanas.

Ofrezco mis sinceras felicitaciones a Debra Martin por ganar esta elección. Después de que asuma el cargo, estaré listo para ayudarla a tener éxito siempre que nuestros valores y objetivos estén alineados; no dude en llamarme si cree que puedo ser de ayuda. Le deseo todo lo mejor.

Me gusta imaginar que si me apoyaron y votaron, creen, como yo, que nuestro propio destino, y el de nuestras familias, nuestra ciudad y, en última instancia, el de nuestra especie, dependen de nuestra voluntad de unirnos, de superar nuestros miedos y de comprometernos con una sociedad que mida su éxito por la eficacia con la que proporcione a cada persona un hogar, un buen trabajo, un vecindario saludable y el derecho a la justicia, la estabilidad, la pertenencia y la dignidad. En solidaridad con ustedes, me comprometo a hacer todo lo posible para seguir produciendo resultados que avancen en esa dirección. Si habrá un puente hacia esa sociedad, habremos sido nosotros quienes lo construyeron.

A todos los que donaron, caminaron, llamaron, me empujaron y tiraron por mí de todas sus innumerables maneras, pido humildemente: que podamos sacudirnos de encima esta derrota rápidamente y acercarnos unos a otros mientras nos preparamos para las batallas que tenemos por delante. Apenas hemos experimentado un atisbo de nuestra capacidad.




John Nolte

As a member of the City Council, I have been honored to work as part of a team that is getting things done. We've taken bold action to address Pomona’s problems and ensure that our promising future includes everyone. This team, led by Mayor Tim Sandoval, includes my colleagues on the Council, incredibly talented and dedicated staff members at City Hall, a network of community organizations, and engaged residents, like you, who love Pomona as I do. We are making a difference. You can see the improvements as you drive (or walk, or bike) around the City. Of course, Pomona still has many challenges—but there is a growing sense of optimism and potential that is refreshing and exciting. Things are moving in the right direction, and I want to keep the momentum going! We’ve accomplished a lot; there are many great plans and projects in progress; and there is so much more we intend to do. I want to continue using my talents and energy to preserve what we’ve accomplished, finish what we’ve started, and ensure we continue with urgency and resolve on the path toward shared prosperity—with dignity, health, justice, and opportunity for all.




Family Man

I grew up in north San Diego County, the oldest of six kids (four brothers and a sister). My dad worked for our church, and my mom, a painter, ran an art school with after school programs for kids. My dad also had a job throwing newspaper routes early in the morning to make ends meet. My dad is a genuinely good and faithful man who always puts others above himself. He is the kindest and most personable man I know—to meet him is to be his lifelong friend. He is my example of what a man should be. My mom is a wise and deep thinker, a reader, someone who appreciates and creates beauty. She sacrificed a lot to raise her children and loves us fiercely. She has always been my greatest fan and defender. I lucked out being born into a strong, united family and if there's good in me it stems from them. My siblings are my best friends. Our family never went hungry, but we knew how to stretch a dollar, and we knew that the most important things in life cannot be bought.

​My wife, Aimee, and I met in college. She is a genius jazz piano player and singer. We have four great kids—Miles (24), Ella (22), Charlie (20), and Louis (17). Miles lives downtown with his girlfriend, Renee, Ella is in college in UT, Charlie is working internationally, and Louis is a senior in high school (who just found out he was accepted to Wesleyan, his first choice for college—yay!). These people keep me grounded and lift me up when I feel low. They support me and help me do my best. I find that when I put family first I have more energy, focus, and direction for my work in the community.​

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Louis (17), Ella (22), Me, Aimee; Renee and Miles

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My mom and me in 2019


Tenant Know Your Rights meeting, 2023


Day Labor Center recognition, circa 2012

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Community Lawyer in the Public Interest

After graduating from UCLA Law School in 2004 I came to Pomona to sue slumlords and represent kids with disabilities. Initially I worked for a nonprofit and had a public interest fellowship to represent tenants. For example, I won compensation for two families living in a mold and roach infested building in east Pomona who suffered asthma, nosebleeds and constant migraines and something like PTSD from the endless roaches no matter how clean they kept their apartments; I helped an elderly couple near downtown Pomona living in a rented house where the roof was literally caving in and there was a big hole in the living room floor; One big case secured life-changing funds for nine plaintiffs from a mobile home park on Mission where the manager was an abusive tyrant and the owner was renting out storage sheds with hotplates and no bathrooms at exorbitant prices to people with criminal records and others who had literally nowhere else to go but the streets.

When the fellowship ended I started representing students with disabilities full time. My clients are typically low-income, Spanish-speaking families who have a child with autism, or a learning disability, or ADHD, or health problems, or any other disability. The parents are struggling to get the school district to provide an adequate education for their children. I help kids get services and support they need to learn to talk, or read, or behave, or pay attention, or make friends—ultimately to learn and become as happy, productive and independent as possible.

I also volunteer my legal skills to the community in the fight for justice. I have advocated in Sacramento for legislation protecting the rights of children with disabilities. I helped found Pomona United for Stable Housing (PUSH) to protect tenants from illegal evictions and make sure they can afford to stay in their homes. I give know-your-rights presentations. I often represent clients free of charge. I feel blessed to have a job that allows me to use my skills to right wrongs and defend civil and human rights. I will continue do all I can for the workers, the vulnerable, and the oppressed from my little office at Holt and Date in District 1. 

On a picket line, 2023

Experienced Public Servant

I have been involved in politics, activism, and community service since I came to Pomona almost 20 years ago. I helped lead the fight against ICE raids on day laborers as a board member and Board President at the Pomona Day Labor Center from 2004-12. I fought as part of the community coalition, Pomona Habla, for drivers licenses, and against police impounding the cars of innocent undocumented people at checkpoints. I served on the Pomona Charter Commission in 2010 and pushed for a police commission and ranked choice voting in City elections. I joined United Voices of Pomona for Environmental Justice in their fight to stop the trash transfer station.

I was elected to the Pomona City Council in 2012 and served until 2016. I stood up against waste and recycling polluters. I championed passage of the progressive General and Corridors Specific Plans. I approved the homeless shelter that has allowed the City to finally begin treating some of the unhoused (though nowhere near enough) with dignity. I helped draft and pass a resolution designating Pomona as a sanctuary city, preventing police collaboration with ICE and protecting undocumented immigrants against unnecessary inquiries into their status. I was a vocal proponent of stopping the raves at Fairplex which had tragically resulted in multiple deaths, and of starting the process of investigating and correcting Fairplex’s deviation from its role as a nonprofit, family-oriented community partner. I stood against the expansion of liquor licenses where they threatened the health and peace of nearby neighborhoods. I stood firm against Wal-Mart expansion in support of better union jobs. I championed and played a key role in securing approval for two innovative, beautiful low-income housing complexes (one of them, Parkside, in District 1) created in partnership with Tri-City Mental Health that offer dedicated units and wrap-around support for people recovering from mental illness.

From 2016-2020, I took some time away from City Council to be a dad to my teenagers, but stayed active in the community. I have been on the board of the Latina/o Roundtable since 2017 where I have worked on establishing the organization’s New Economy effort—focused on building community wealth by focusing on wellbeing. I'm honored that the Roundtable gave me its Community Star award in 2020. I also helped found Pomona United for Stable Housing (PUSH), a growing tenant-based community organization dedicated to fighting housing injustice, empowering neighborhoods and protecting against displacement.​

During the George Floyd protests in June 2020, encouraged by some friends and fellow activists, inspired by the heady feeling of unity and potential for change that marching together down the middle of the street stirs, shaken by COVID and the vulnerabilities and divisions it exposed, but also awakened--in view of the measures (financial and otherwise) imposed in reaction to COVID--to the fact that humans are capable of formerly “impossible” and dramatic changes of direction when threatened, enlightened, or impassioned, I decided to run again for City Council in the open seat. You can read about some of the highlights of my accomplishments this term on the Achievements page of this website.


I believe Pomona is a special place and that this is a unique time in the City. Pomona is special because it is diverse, compassionate, and welcoming, and also because it enjoys an overarching Latina/o-infused culture that is passionate, resilient, industrious, entrepreneurial, faithful, family-focused, loyal, persistent, proud, vibrant, courageous, common sense, dissatisfied with incompetence, aware of injustice, and willing to speak truth to power. Pomona is aware of its heritage and history, and is intent on preserving its memory, exposing and addressing its injustices, and celebrating its joys, beauties, and victories. Pomona is the heart and soul of this Valley—it refuses to sell its soul, and it always leads with its heart (and often wears it on its sleeve). 

This is a unique time because, among other things, there is true, talented, transparent leadership and vision in the Council Chamber and at City Hall; the City is in the best financial shape it has been in for years; City staff are as bright, experienced, and motivated as they have ever been; Pomona’s reputation, example, and influence in the County, the State, and even around the world (e.g., the Mayor’s Bloomberg Fellowship, and the City’s connection to the Wellbeing Economy Alliance) is on the rise; and we are experiencing a building boom (including the A Line arrival) that will bring new residents, new funding, and new opportunities. I look forward to continuing to pursue this path toward prosperity, focused on ensuring that all the people of Pomona can stay here if they want to, each supported to express their individuality and contribute creatively as we build our common future together.


Neighborhood Meeting, circa 2014

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Parkside Low-Income Housing on Holt, est. 2016


New field lights go on at JFK ballpark, 2016

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Food & Commercial Workers supporters, 2023 


March for tenant & worker rights in LA, 2023

Christmas on Columbia neighborhood leaders

Breaking ground on new affordable housing, 2023



Gun Violence Prevention

John led a coalition – including the Pomona Police Department, the Institute for Ecological Civilization, Tri-City Mental Health, Kennedy Austin Foundation, JustUs4Youth, God’s Pantry, LA County Office of Violence Prevention, Cal Poly Pomona, Advance Peace, and others – to secure $5.2 million in state funding that created the Office of Violence Prevention & Neighborhood Wellbeing (OVP). Since its implementation in February, recent statistics show gun homicides are down 66% over last year.

Pomona Jobs Project

John led a committee of residents and stakeholders to develop the City-funded Pomona Jobs Project (PJP), which currently provides training and mentorship to low-income residents who are unemployed or underemployed, connecting them to local jobs that pay a living wage, include benefits, and provide opportunities for career advancement.

Affordable Housing

John championed the City’s development of a rent stabilization program to ensure that the half of Pomona families who are tenants are treated fairly and can afford to stay in the city they call Home. He supported the inclusionary housing ordinance to ensure that new market-rate development funds a significant percentage of low-income units. He has supported the construction of hundreds of units of high-quality housing throughout Pomona.

A Well-Being Economy

John is leading a coalition of community organizations, institutional leaders, and residents in the Pomona Valley that is building the groundwork to transform our regional economy. This involves engaging large public entities, like universities and hospitals in a collaborative effort to direct their purchasing and contracting with local businesses to support and create good local jobs. The project is also pushing to develop worker cooperatives because worker-owners are empowered to build well-being on their own terms.

Climate Resilience

John spearheaded Pomona ACTS – a $22 million Transformative Climate Communities grant – to fund walkable streets, provide free public transit and free healthy home solar upgrades, plant trees, increase access to EVs and electric bikes, invest in urban agriculture, and fortify our climate resiliency.


John shepherded the amazing new Hamilton Park to completion, and prioritized the San Jose Creek Recreational Trail with a secured $12 million state grant to build it. The Trail will go from Ganesha Park to Cal Poly Pomona, connecting all of the parks and schools along the way. With a secured $3 million, he is also working to restore the hills in Ganesha Park.


Build and preserve affordable housing
and reduce homelessness.

  • Champion a strong, innovative, & permanent housing stabilization ordinance to keep people in their homes and expand opportunities for tenants to become owners.

  • Advocate for the construction of housing of all types downtown and on the corridors – and insist that surrounding cities do the same.

  • Initiate partnership agreements with surrounding cities to directly tackle the homelessness crisis as a region.



Tim Sandoval
Mayor, City of Pomona
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Victor Preciado
Pomona Council Member, D-2
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LA County
Federation of Labor
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Local 1428
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UA Local 398
Plumbers & Steamfitters
Yesenia Miranda Meza
Executive Director
Pomona United for Stable Housing
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Jed Leano
LA County Affordable Housing Solutions Agency
Teamsters Joint Council 42
Abundant Housing LA
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Plasterers, Local 200
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Ironworkers, Local 416
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Nora Garcia
Pomona Council Member, D-3
Carlos Goytia
Director, District 1
Three Valleys Municipal Water Div.
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LA County
Democratic Party
Pomona Valley
Democratic Club
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Inland Equity
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SEIU Local 2015
CA's Longterm Caregivers
Steve Lustro
Pomona City Councilmember, District 5
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Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 105
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LA Forward
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Los Angeles League of Conservation Voters
LA/OC Building and Construction Trades Council
Paid for by Committee to Elect John Nolte for Pomona City Council 2024
Campaign ID #1462443
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